We have officially decided to start at the Columbia City Farmers Market on May 11 (so missing the opening weekend of May 4). We lost our entire first succession of seedlings in both the seed stage and after transplanting what was left. Everyone is hungry in the early spring and it was a lesson learned to check on the babies as often as possible! But we’re in good spirits. We think the pest problems in the caterpillar tunnel became unbalanced because it’s a somewhat isolated ecosystem. Definitely lots of pros and cons with the tunnels and we’re still figuring them out. Additionally, we’ve been operating an honor system roadside egg stand but have just stopped that due to multiple relatively significant payment shortages. This also made us rethink opening up the honor system farm stand here, so will be putting that project on pause for now. To put it shortly, capitalism is hard and makes for ethically complicated decisions. Ultimately we believe everyone should have access to fresh, local, nutritious food but we also have to do what feels right for us and hope that our local community can understand. We will still be doing online orders for on-farm pickup or delivery on Camano Island. Please reach out if you have any questions!
Our Seattle pick up site will be at Sean's Clay Corner in Fremont. They have graciously invited us to share space with them and hope this central location will work for many as we transition away from our delivery system. Pick up will be on Wednesdays! More details to come and feel free to reach out if you have any questions. Our second succession is looking good so we hope to see you at the Columbia City Farmers Market on May 11! Hope everyone has been enjoying the emergence of spring.